Thursday, 5 April 2012

Our First Award

On returning from a little break,
 we were pleased to read that we had received an award from
Jules who is another new blogger.
Jules blog is called A Sea View it is going to be fun reading about and 
looking at the lovely images that Jules will be posting about
Coastal Living and French Life. 

Thank you so much Jules and now we have to name 
five Blogs that have under 200 followers 
and we think are up and coming.
So here goes....

Back soon with some


  1. Hi girls,thank you for giving me the award I am really touched,I love reading your blogs and looking at all the lovely things you have to sell.Thank you again Love Jill xxx

  2. Hello, thank you so much for the award! :0)
    I'm off to have a look at your blog now....

    Lou xxx

  3. Hi Carol,I was so looking forward to reading your blog today when I saw your post and then I couldnt see it because I have to be an invited friend.I was so disappointed,can I be invited please.Look forward to hearing from you Love Jill xx

  4. Carol!

    OMG! What a relief this blog is still viewable to me. Your Katherine's Dream is now for invited people, I'm sure going to miss it.

    I've been meaning to swing by to say I am drafting a post all about my glorious purchases from you. I have a few other ones to get through first tough. I'm so behind. There is just never enough time in the day!


  5. Hi Carol, I have been reading your blog Katherine's Dream for some years now and recently I find that I cannot access it :(. Permission to read by invite only....could you invite me please? Many thanks, Alexandra x

  6. Thank you to those who have asked to be invited as readers to Katherine's Dream. I intend to have a go at sorting this out very soon!
    Carol xxxx


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