Monday, 6 February 2012

Cabbages & Roses

We are proud to announce that
we are now stockists for
Cabbages & Roses
Fabric & Wallpaper.

We will have ready made cushions, loose lampshade covers and cot bedding
available in our shop soon.


  1. Ahhh just had a very satisfying little shop with you! I will be back when the C&R stuff is on your shelves.

    I have a feeling I'm going to be steadily buying up most of your stuff...that is till my husband starts checking our statements hee hee!!!!

  2. Lol best hide them statements !
    Thank you for your order. We hope to get a few Cabbages and Roses cushions in the shop soon.

  3. My order arrived today and I'm delighted with every single item!

    I have had a merry old time mucking about with my new (complicated and frustrating) camera snapping away at the zinc heart hanging tea light holder.

    Am looking forward to the Mr going to work tomoorw so I can relight the orange and cinnamon candle. The silly chap has done nothing but sneeze.

    I wish I'd ordered 3 of those little vanilla candles. Do you have plenty? Can I wait till your C&R stuff comes in and order them them or should I get a wriggle on?



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